Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Clay Aiken loves the cock

I can't believe it. I AM STUNNED! I have put on stunner shades to show just how stunned I am right now. That crooning cocklover Clay Aiken actually DOES enjoy the cock and all that it stands for! What are you going to tell me next, that Tupac is really dead and not living on an Indian reserve in Montana?

I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that, Clay, but Pat Robertson is going to be PISSED. The next destructive hurricane is on you, Gaiken. I hope you can sleep at night. With a man, probably.

1 comment:

Rage said...

Gay people everywhere are cringing. NOBODY wants to lay claim to this chicken-fucking, boy-loving FREEK!! Not even China or Ghana! The photo doesn't show him licking the baby, but he DOES!